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Building Surveying

For enquiries please call
01323 894400

Surveying our buildings

From major works supervision, to damp and defect reporting, our expert building surveyors cover all aspects of repairs and maintenance, and offer value-for-money.

Whether we manage your building, already or not, our building surveying services include:

  • Project management of major works. This would include the preparation of detailed specifications, drawings, etc. as required, obtaining competitive tenders and project managing the work through to completion.
  • Fully costed planned maintenance programmes on a rolling basis, to ensure that adequate funds are being set aside each year for future maintenance.
  • Defect analysis and reporting
  • Project advice and long-term maintenance planning
  • CDM management or advice
  • Party Wall Act matters, where required.
  • Tender specification production
  • Contact administration (works supervision)
  • Dispute resolution
  • Fire Risk Assessments.
  • Health and Safety Assessments.
  • Insurance reinstatement revaluations.
  • Party Wall Act awards, where required.

Surveying Costs

Chartered Surveyor (MRICS) office hourly rate is currently £195.00 per hour. Minimum charge is for two hours.

Trainee Building Surveyor office hourly rate is £135.00 per hour. The minimum charge is for two hours.

Identifying defects and pointing issues

From pointing issues and defect identification, we can assist you with carrying out refurbishment or maintenance work to your property including damp or water ingress.

Surveying by drone

It is simpler these days to use a drone to inspect roofs, chimneys, pipework and brickwork. We offer a special rate for drone surveying from £240 + vat.

Do you know how bad your mortar joints and brickwork are? 

We use common identification methods to show how things relate to the issue at hand. Photographs are a good way of showing our clients what is required in greater detail if required. In addition, using simple editing software on our phones and iPads, we can easily mark photographs to help with ease of reference.

Fire Regulatory Notices

Following on from the Regulatory Fire Acts of the mid-2000’s and further updates to such guidance notes, we can assist with any Fire Notices. 

From Stay Put or Get Out, Stay Out policy implementation, we can work with a Risk Assessor or apply our in-house understanding on the tasks at hand. 

We aim to regularly review the main risk assessment, internally or externally, to help ensure compliance is met. 

External work – Section 20 Notices

Some major and minor external works will require Section 20 Notices to be issued, and the supervision of works. We can assist in small tasks or large projects which involve surveying and building work. 

Commonly raised issues include Listed Building Consent, and complex tasks such as fitting new intercom systems with upgraded handsets as this requires access into individual flats.

Rebuild Valuation

We can carry out a Rebuild Valuation of a property, which is essentially what the cost would be to reinstate the building on insurance if it were to be destroyed by fire etc.

Our Rebuild fee starts from £800 + VAT. It will fluctuate depending on the size and complexity of the building and involve a full site inspection, measuring the building, assessing the cost of rebuilding, and identifying any potential H&S access issues in the event of disaster. This is a premium, comprehensive service that produces accurate information.

If you would like more information, please get in touch with us today.

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