Free Rental Valuation
Open Monday - Friday, 9am - 5.30pm excluding public holidays and weekends. See contact page for emergency number


For enquiries please call
01323 894400

We offer a full range of property management services with three flexible pricing options, a Bronze, Silver and a Gold Service Package.

Whether you own the Freehold, share the Freehold, are a Right to Manage Company or a Commonhold, we can provide a professional approach to the management of your buildings.

Standard Management Fees from 1 July 2023.

Bronze Service

  • Issuing the service charge invoices
  • Accounting/reconciliation of your dedicated HSBC client account. 
  • Standard (up to legal action) debt collection. 

With this service you (the company directors) would be in charge of: 

Arranging repairs, planned maintenance, adhering to legal requirements and setting the budget. 

Any invoice sent to you for work should then be scanned in and emailed to us with your authorisation to pay (you will get an authorisation template) 

*Guide Price from £99.00 to £295.00 + VAT Per Flat PA (min £1,250+VAT) 

Silver Service 

Same as bronze but including the following; 

  • Ensuring you adhere to legal requirements 
  • Arranging for proactive and reactive maintenance repairs 
  • Reviewing and advising on budget setting if required (but not things like long term maintenance planning) 
  • Use of the 24-hour call out line (charges apply). 
  • 6 monthly property inspections 
  • 1 hour meeting PA, inside office hours 

*Guide Price from £180.00 to £375.00 + VAT Per Flat PA. (min £1,500+VAT) 

Gold Service 

Same as silver but including the following:

  • Long term maintenance planning advice 
  • 4 monthly property inspections 1.5 hour meeting PA. 
  • 1.5 hours can be outside office hours – terms apply. 

*Our guide to pricing ranges from £215.00 to £475.00 + VAT Per Flat PA (min £1,700+VAT) 

*Pricing is based on a number of factors but the above should give a good overview of costs. For an accurate quote please contact us for further information. 

Minimum fee £150 (+VAT)

from 1 July 2023.

Establishment fee: 

Set-up and administration of a new contract per flat £10.00-£50.00

Non-standard works, annual and long term contracts:

Total value less than S.20 qualifying sum, excluding disbursements – hourly

Section 20 Notice works:

Dependent on nature of work and contract value excluding disbursements. If the project is overseen by others, our hourly rate will be charged when dealing with others on the work. 9%-15%

Housing Act 2004: 

Health & Safety Hazard Risk Assessment advice or meetings – hourly

Compliance Survey: 

Survey or removal advice or meetings – hourly.
Fire Safety Order 2005: Fire Risk Assessments advice or meetings – hourly.
All of the prices listed are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate.
General Assessments advice or meetings - hourly

Yearly Compliancy Review of Fire, Asbestos, Legionella and Electrical Reports 

In line with ARMA and risk assessment guidance we will review the above Reports on an annual basis for compliancy and progress. This service is Optional as you may wish to get an external company to carry out such reviews 

Prices below are per number of properties 

1-6               £180.00 

7-12            £200.00 

13-20         £220.00 

20-35         £300.00 

35-60         £460.00 

60-100       £670.00 

100+          £TBC 

All above prices listed plus disbursements are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate .

As many meetings pa in office hours can be inclusive, subject to negotiation – hourly

Meetings – hourly

Meetings (during office hours) – hourly

Meetings (outside office hours) – 1½ x hourly

Additional meetings (weekends/ Bank Holidays) 2 x hourly

Court/LVT work (min ½ day) per day hourly

Companies House forms – minimum 1 hour hourly

Acting as Company Secretary (by agreement) £300-£900 per annum

Acting as Registered Address (included if acting as Company Secretary) £150.00
All of the prices listed are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate.
1st Arrears letter/reminder £0.00

2nd Arrears letter £60.00

Arrears documentation passed to solicitor or further action £120.00

Further arrears work £POA - hourly

Breach of Lease letter £110.00

Further Breach of Lease letter £110 - hourly

Purchasers’ enquiries (using LPE1 form) £370.00

Purchasers’ enquiries (using LPE1 form) (72-hour turnaround) £460.00

Additional purchasers enquiries £110.00 - hourly

Shareholders Certificate £60.00

Deed of Covenant £110.00 - hourly

Change of Address/Notice of Mortgage £110.00

Permission to sub-let £220.00

Copy of Memorandum and Articles £60.00

Notice of Transfer £110.00 (unless stated in the lease)

References for Banks, pensions, local council (free if over 70) £110.00

Returned cheques - Bank fee plus £60.00

Licence to Assign £110.00 - hourly

Lost Share Certificate declaration £110.00

Deed of Variation £110.00 – hourly

Consent to Alter £110.00 – hourly, minimum of two hours. The minimum hourly rate is based on consent being granted where no site visit is involved, and we receive correct photographs of completed works.
All of the prices listed are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate.
Out of hours call handling – minimum 1 hour £90.00* +VAT

* This callout charge is not inclusive of time spent by contractors
Directors office hourly rate is currently £215.00 per hour. Minimum charge is one hour.

Associates/Head of Departments office hourly rate is currently £155.00 per hour. Minimum charge is one hour.

Senior and Management office hourly rate is currently £110.00 per hour. Minimum charge is for one hour.

Standard staff office hourly rate is currently £60.00 per hour for non-professional or general admin related work. Minimum charge is for one hour.

Chartered Surveyor (MRICS) office hourly rate is currently £195.00 per hour. Minimum charge is for two hours.

Trainee Building Surveyor office hourly rate is £135.00 per hour. Minimum charge is for two hours.

Fees such as, but not exclusively, Acting as Company Secretary, Acting as Registered Address, standard management fees are chargeable on an annual basis and in advance – at a frequency to be agreed i.e. 3/6/12 monthly.

All of the prices listed are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate.

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